We are Cracking the Coconut



Hailing from sunny Southern California, Carla immigrated from Tarlac, Philippines in the 90’s after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. She grew up in an array of places as an Air Force brat, and has fond memories of every place she’s lived. 

She has experienced many full circle moments in her career as a content producer, including filming the Jonas Brothers after being a fangirl since 2006.

Carla is a self-proclaimed Harry Potter nerd who thrives best in settings where bubblegum pop or punk rock is blasting through the speakers. 

Find her on IG, Twitter, and TikTok @jaycommacarla



Jasmine is a Filipino-American, born and raised in San Francisco. Her Filipino family roots are in the Visayan Islands of Leyte, Cebu and Samar, and La Union in the Ilocos Region.

Her heart is working in the madness of long production days on set, or in the craziness of live events.

Jasmine will eat soup any day of the year, and prides herself in experiencing Frank Ocean live not once, not twice, but three times. 

Find her on IG and Twitter @jsdyme