Episode 11: Manifestation is real, NO CAP!

In the season premiere of Season 2, we talk all about manifestation. Some of you might be thinking, “WTF is manifestation?!” Manifestation is setting your intentions and bringing your goals to you, and it requires positivity and elevated frequencies. It starts with a thought which then leads to something tangible. Whether it is a new job, a vacation or a financial goal, manifestation is all about putting in energy into something that is already destined to be yours.

We share our personal experiences with manifestation and tips on how to start your own manifestation journey. Keep in mind that manifesting isn’t a wish. You have to put in the work, and whether it’s a thought or an action, it all starts with you.

During the episode, Carla mentions the manifestation queen: Isabel Palacios. Carla credits Isabel as the woman who showed her all the ways in which she can change and uplift her life through manifestation. You can find Isabel on her YouTube channel here.

Carla talks about syncronicities and about the moment she “met” Jasmine. After a 9 month long hiatus from radio, Carla returned to her roots and the day she did, she sees Jasmine for the first time. And on that same day, gets boba with her friends to celebrate. She had a JASMINE milk tea, and captioned her order in an IG post.

Cracking the Coconut is available on the following platforms:





Episode 12: Why Can’t We Just F*CKING Get Along


Episode 10: Sex, Hot Dogs & Vegan Garlic Shrimp